Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Detuned Part 1 and 2




"Detuned part 1 & 2" is a two part Mockumentary that deals with the subconscious effects SOUND has on our society.

It is a satirical analysis on how so many of us have let our differences upset us and consequentially allow us to further ourselves from each other. It also gives an example on how sound can effect your very mood and aditude toward others

PART 1: focuses more on the musical aspect of our societies intolerance to difference
PART 2: focuses more on the abstract subconscious effect sound has on us during everyday life.

ENJOY! please give me feedback :)


The technique behind cross matching is very peculiar in the way that it can be used multi-variously.

Lets say we use a man's scream cross-matched to a woman's scream. Naturally we know the pitch of the man's scream is lower then that of the woman's scream, yet it is possible to cross-match them. Even though there is a "gap" in pitch between the two, the two would blend into eachother because they are produced the same way. They are both "man"-made sounds thats sound organic and biological to the ear. One example is from the 2000 Movie "The Ladies Man" where in one scene a woman is screaming of ecstasy and the next scene fades in the sound then cross-matches to a man scream of pain! Both very different in their pitch yet similar in the way they are produced and sound!

Baby Snakes! - jumping blogs

Frank Zappa's 1977 "Baby Snakes" is a pure performance, satirical take on the lives' of musicians, ownership, poodles, technicians, and of course the many wakcy stories thats Frank has created featuring the mind-blowing clay-animations of Bruce Bickford. Bruce and Frank worked so well together because of several factors. Frank had been injured (by a fan having thrown him off stage) prior to working with Bruce (allowing them to work long hours in an isolated studio because Frank was immobile). Bruce was a massive fan of Frank's work and had longed to work with him. Bruce admits to have taken drugs before and shares one of this experiences on "Baby Snakes". Having opposed drugs all his life Frank still admired Bruce's nack for claymation.
Zappa's film crew were able to capture the raw (and humurous) emotion found behind and on stage during their 1977 Halloween Concerts in New York's Palladium theatre. One of the most interesting things about Frank Zappa's videos is that he is HUGE on synergizing the visuals with his sounds & music. There is no use trying to uncover what is Diagetic and None-Diagetic.

This was one stage of Zappa's career where he incorporated stage-antics, props, audience participation. He worked with other musians such as Keyboardest Tommy Mars (who is personalyl my favorite classically-trained keyboard player), drummer Terry Bozio, and Adrian Belew. All thrown toegther in Zappa's black-hole of rock'n roll, be-bop, funky, medieval-space-jazz-maddness!

Frank Zappa sometimes reminds me of another group known as THE RESIDENTS who have kept their identity since 1969. I was able to catch them at Montreal's CLUB SODA in February. They are simliar because they are both very odd and satirical. Not to mention they both create far-out videos that display a considerable amount of picture and sound SYNGERY. One example is a video taht can easily be found on youtube : The Residents - Skinny.