Tuesday, March 9, 2010


The technique behind cross matching is very peculiar in the way that it can be used multi-variously.

Lets say we use a man's scream cross-matched to a woman's scream. Naturally we know the pitch of the man's scream is lower then that of the woman's scream, yet it is possible to cross-match them. Even though there is a "gap" in pitch between the two, the two would blend into eachother because they are produced the same way. They are both "man"-made sounds thats sound organic and biological to the ear. One example is from the 2000 Movie "The Ladies Man" where in one scene a woman is screaming of ecstasy and the next scene fades in the sound then cross-matches to a man scream of pain! Both very different in their pitch yet similar in the way they are produced and sound!

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